Natural Language Processing

Jose Camacho Collados


Jose Camacho Collados

January 2024. I'll be the General Chair of *SEM 2024.

August 2023. We won the AIJ 2023 Prominent Paper Award!

August 2023. I've been promoted to Full Professor!

July 2023. Attending ACL 2023 and organising *SEM 2023 as a program co-chair.

May 2023. I'm giving an invited talk at the Natural Language Symposium at the University of Copenhagen.

January 2022. I'll give one of the keynote talks at the Global WordNet Conference.

July 2022. I'm happy to announce the first release of TweetNLP, a platform for cutting-edge NLP specialized on social media!

April 2022. We are organising a two-day NLP workshop on June 30 and July 1!

March 2022. We are organising the first EvoNLP EvoNLP workshop (Workshop on Ever Evolving NLP), co-located with EMNLP. EvoNLP also features a meaning shift detection shared task framed as Word-in-Context - trial data available!

February 2022. We have launched our TimeLMs, with the commitment to release a new language model every three months!

August 2021. Taher Pilehvar and I taught a week-long course on "Embeddings in NLP" at the ESSLLI summer school.

February 2021. Just got started with my UKRI Future Leader Fellowship!

December 2020. Our "Embeddings in NLP" book has been published! All information, including a short video tutorial, here.

December 2020. Join us at Cardiff University! Call for five open-ended Lecturer Positions at the School of Computer Science.

November 2020. Hiring! Looking for a 3-year postdoc. All the details on how to apply here.

October 2020. Excited and honoured to be awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship!

September 2020. Recently received a research grant from Snap Research (w/ Luis Espinosa-Anke and Daniel Loureiro) and started a collaboration for investigating meaning shift in social media.

July 2020. We have founded the Cardiff NLP group, which now has a Twitter account and a website!

July 2020. Gave a talk with Luis Espinosa-Anke about our research on NLP at Cardiff University as part of the Wales Tech Week.

April 2020. Given the current situation, Taher Pilehvar and I have decided to openly release the first draft of our book Embeddings in Natural Language Processing. We also thank Morgan and Claypool for agreeing to this early release.

November 2019. Two papers accepted at AAAI 2019, joint work with Zied Bouraoui, Luis Espinosa-Anke and Steven Schockaert.

October 2019. Will deliver a course on Embeddings in Natural Language Processing at the ESSLLI 2020 summer school and a tutorial at COLING 2020 on the same topic, with Taher Pilehvar.

August 2019. Got a Google AI Award from the Machine Learning Education with TensorFlow 2.0 scheme (15,000$)!

May 2019. Papers accepted at IJCAI 2019 and ACL 2019. Travelling to Macau and Florence this summer!

March 2019. Test data for WiC is now available! Evaluation is open in CodaLab. WiC is also featured as a shared task in the IJCAI-2019 workshop SemDeep.

March 2019. Started as a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University!

February 2019. Our paper WiC: the Word-in-Context dataset for evaluating context-sensitive meaning representations has been accepted to NAACL 2019.

January 2019. Area chair in ACL 2019 (word-level semantics).

January 2019. Our journal article Knowledge-enhanced document embeddings for text classification is now available in the Knowledge-based Systems journal.

December 2018. The last version of our survey From Word To Sense Embeddings: A Survey on Vector Representations of Meaning published in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.

Fast-forward 2018. Got my PhD, started as a Research Associate at Cardiff University...

December 2017. Area chair in COLING 2018.

December 2017. Won the research prize of the Spanish police foundation for developing VeriPol, a system for automatically detecting the falsehood of police reports directly from its text content.

September 2017. To attend Google's Natural Language Processing Summit in Zurich (25-27 September).

August 2017. Co-organizing two SemEval 2018 tasks: Hypernym Discovery and Emoji Prediction

August 2017. To attend ACL, CoNLL and SemEval in Vancouver, Canada.

June 2017. To attend Google's Machine Learning Summit in Zurich (12-14 June).

April 2017. I will give a talk on "Semantic Representations of Word Senses, Concepts and Entities and their Applications" at the University of Cambridge, UK.

April 2017. Two papers (one short and one long) accepted at ACL 2017. Joint works with Claudio Delli Bovi, Alessandro Raganato and Roberto Navigli, and Taher Pilehvar and Nigel Collier.

December 2016. Long paper accepted at EACL 2017: Word Sense Disambiguation: A Unified Evaluation Framework and Empirical Comparison. Joint work with Alessandro Raganato and Roberto Navigli.

November 2016. To co-organize the EACL 2017 Workshop on "Sense, Concept and Entity Representations and their Applications".

November 2016. Attended the EMNLP 2016 conference in Austin, Texas.

October 2016. To give a talk on "Semantic Representations of Word Senses, Concepts and Entities and their Applications" at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain).

September 2016. Long paper accepted at COLING 2016: Extending WordNet with Fine-Grained Collocational Information. Joint work with Luis Espinosa-Anke, Sara Rodríguez Fernández, Horacio Saggion and Leo Wanner.

August 2016. Attended a Google PhD Fellowship Summit at Google's Mountain View Campus, California.

July 2016. Long paper accepted at EMNLP 2016: Supervised Distributional Hypernym Discovery via Domain Adaptation. Joint work with Luis Espinosa-Anke, Claudio Delli Bovi and Horacio Saggion.

July 2016. Slides of our ACL 2016 Tutorial on "Semantic Representations of Word Senses and Concepts" already available online.

July 2016. Journal article titled "NASARI: Integrating Explicit Knowledge and Corpus Statistics for a Multilingual Representation of Concepts and Entities" accepted for publication in "Artificial Intelligence".

June 2016. To co-organize a SemEval 2017 task on Multilingual Word Similarity.

May 2016. I will give a tutorial at ACL 2016 about "Semantic Representations of Word Senses and Concepts" with Ignacio Iacobacci, Roberto Navigli and Taher Pilehvar.

May 2016. I will be serving in the Program Committee of COLING and ISWC 2016.

April 2016. I have been selected as one of the best reviewers in NAACL 2016.

March 2016. I have been awarded with a Google Doctoral Fellowship in Natural Language Processing.

January 2016. Paper accepted at LREC 2016: "A Large-Scale Multilingual Disambiguation of Glosses", joint work with Claudio Delli Bovi, Alessandro Raganato and Roberto Navigli. Corpus of disambiguated definitions freely available here.

January 2016. BabelNet 3.5 has been released. Check out the new BabelNet domains!

December 2015. I will be part of ACL and NAACL program committees (2016).

September 2016. I participated in the Google NLP PhD Summit in Zurich (23-26 September 2015).

July 2015. I participated in the ACL 2015 conference (Beijing, China, 27-29 July), where I presented two papers.